Extract 2.00 NOTE : EXTRACT is now freeware. You can distribute EXTRACT (but include and don't modify this EXTRACT.TXT) on BBS, french minitel server, CDROM. YOU CAN NOW GIVE EXTRACT WITH COMMERCIAL PRODUCT. If you put disk image on a commercial CDROM (like Microsoft Windows 3.1 DDK), you can give extract. There is 4 files. If you distribute Extract, you must distribute at least one .EXE and EXTRACT.TXT. EXTRACT.EXE : MSDOS version EXTRACNT.EXE : Win32 console version for NT Intel. EXTRACT.TXT : this file FILE_ID.DIZ : file for BBS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR BBS: FILE_ID.DIZ content is : EXTRACT 2.0: Extracting files from disk image With PKUNZIP UNARJ like syntaxe, you can extract file from floppy image created by WinImage (same author), DCF, DF, Sabdu, and a lot of disk copy tool which make disk image. Versions for DOS and for NT. You can create image and inject file on it. NOW FREEWARE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extracting file from disk image Extract is a file in disk image extraction utility. An image is a file which contains all the floppy data (file, FATs, boot sector, directory...). You can create an image file with WinImage (a Windows 3.1 or Windows NT shareware I wrote which create and manage image file, and has a large superset of Extract functionnality) and a lot of Dos based disk copy utility : Wimage (in FdFormat utility) from C.H. Hochstätter, DrDos 6 and OS/2 2.x diskimage utility, DCF (Disk Copy Fast) from Chang Ping Lee, CopyVit from Sebastien Chatard, DF (Disk Image File Utility) from Mark Vitt, Super-DiskCopy from Super Software, SabDu from S.A. Berman, Disk-RW from K. Hartnegg, DiskDupe (from Micro System Design), internal disk image utility from Microsoft and Lotus and MFMT sample Windows NT application on the Windows NT SDK. 80 % of the diskcopy tools which can make image I test are compatible with Extract and WinImage. Using Extract Run Extract without parameters, and you see this : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extract NT - Extract file in wImage - V 2.00 (c) 1991-94 Gilles Vollant Usage: Extract -l [] List file in an image Extract -e [x:outpath] [] Extract files Extract -x [x:outpath] [] eXtract files with pathname Extract -i [] [-Fnnn] Inject files on an image Using -oe or -ox instead -e or -x extract Overwriting existing files Using -it instead -i Truncate unused image part -Fnnn : size of image you want create (360,720,120,144,172,288...) Utilities from Gilles VOLLANT - 13 rue Mansart 91540 MENNECY - FRANCE Internet : 100144.2636@compuserve.com Extract is a freeware, but if you like this software, you can send me $20 or 100 French Francs, and I send you WinImage, a very powerful Windows 3.1 and Windows NT shareware I wrote with a superset of Extract functionnality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extract syntax is based on PKZIP/PKUNZIP and ARJ model. First parameter must be -i, -it, -l, -e, -o, -x, -oe or -ox. If the first parameter is the image filenale, the -l (list option) is selected. Second parameter is the image filename. You can use wildcard with Joker, and Extract use all the file it find with this joker. Third parameter is optionnal. It is the location where you want extract your file. You must begin this parameter with x:, where x is the drive. If you give only subdirectory name, extract don't consider it as a extract location information. And after (if first is not -i or -it), you can specify somes wildcard for choose files in images. You don't specifiy it, Extract use all file in the image. If first is -i or -it, they specifie file you want inject in image. (or -Fxxx to specifie the format of the image you want build) Exemples : We are in the C:\REP1 subdirectory, and we created C:\REP2 subdirectory. In C:\REP1; we have DISK1.IMA and DISK2.IMA created with WinImage. DISK1.IMA is the image of a floppy with this files: DOC1.TXT DOC1.DOC DOC1A.TXT DISK2.IMA is the image of a floppy with this files: DOC2.TXT DOC2.DOC DOC2A.TXT a subdirectory named DOC2R and which contain: DOC2R\DOC2B.TXT if we launch: EXTRACT -L DISK?.IMA Extract list the directory of the DISK1.IMA and DISK2.IMA image. EXTRACT -E DISK?.IMA Extract create the files C:\REP1\DOC1.TXT, C:\REP1\DOC1.DOC, C:\REP1\DOC1A.TXT, C:\REP1\DOC2.TXT, C:\REP1\DOC2.DOC, C:\REP1\DOC2A.TXT, C:\REP1\DOC2B.TXT. EXTRACT -X DISK?.IMA Extract create the directory C:\REP1\DOC2R and the files C:\REP1\DOC1.TXT, C:\REP1\DOC1.DOC, C:\REP1\DOC1A.TXT, C:\REP1\DOC2.TXT, C:\REP1\DOC2.DOC, C:\REP1\DOC2A.TXT, C:\REP1\DOC2R\DOC2B.TXT. EXTRACT -X DISK?.IMA C:\REP2 *.DOC DOC2B.TXT Extract create the directory C:\REP2\DOC2R and the files C:\REP2\DOC1.DOC, C:\REP2\DOC2.DOC, C:\REP2\DOC2R\DOC2B.TXT. EXTRACT -I NEWDISK.IMA C:\CONFIG.SYS C:\COMMAND.COM -F144 Extract build a new image with 1.44 Mb size, and put file CONFIG.SYS and COMMAND.COM from hard disk to this image. EXTRACT -I DISK.IMA C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT Extract add file AUTOEXEC.BAT from hard disk to DISK.IMA. Using -E or -X; when Extract must delete existing file, it ask confirmation. Using -OE or -OX, it don't Feedback : You can give me feedback, in french or english, at the adress: Internet adress : gilwin@email.teaser.com french BBS The Windows Manor french minitel server 3614-3615 TEASER, BAL GILWIN french minitel server 3614-3615 PICKUP, BAL GILWIN french server CALVALCOM, BAL GV44 or by letter to : Gilles Vollant 13, rue Mansart 91540 Mennecy France If you want download WinImage or the last Extract : - Try IBMHW (disk util library) or WINSHARE (disk util or Win NT util library) compuserve forum. - On the BBS The Windows Manor, with these phone number (Paris, France) : (33 1) 42437852, (33 1) 42432618 or (33 1) 42432458. Enter "J 25" command to go on the WinImage area. You can download Extract, WinImage or send me a message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Few word about WinImage. The WinIma12.ZIP file_id.diz is : *WINIMAGE 2.00:POWERFUL WINDOWS DISK COPY TOOL *--> RUN IN BACKGOUND, WORK ON DISK IMAGE <--* make disk image from floppy, extract file from image, make an empty image, inject file on it and put the image on blank disk. TRUE WINDOWS APP: Toolbar,status Bar,3D-look, drag & drop client and server. 2 versions: for Windows 3.1 and for WINDOWS NT. Change image format,defrag, delete file on it, Batch assistant. WinImage is a very powerful utility. With WinImage, you can make all that you can make with Extract, and a lot of other thing. This interface is a true professional Windows interface. By sample, with Batch assistant, you can ask, in a dialog box, extract file DISK1.IMA to DISK10.IMA on C:\REP\DISK1\ to C:\REP\DISK10\ directory, or inject these 10 subdirectories on 10 images.